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All said and done, selling to SMBs requires a different set of skills from enterprises.

When contract sizes are smaller, volume of accounts is high, and churn can sometimes become uncomfortable, a unique blend of sales, marketing and support is required to build a high-growth business with strong fundamentals.

In this sessions, our panelists Chara and Girish share actionable insights on successful GTM strategies they’ve adopted at RevenueHero and Sprinto, respectively.

00:00-01:44 Introduction

01:45-04:05 Charanyan’s learnings from selling to U.S. customers

04:06-06:10 Girish on demand generation and demand harvesting

06:11-07:44 Outbound methods for demand harvesting and transitioning to inbound

07:45-09:31 Benefits of outbound for demand harvesting

09:32-12:14 Why outbound methods are relevant for demand harvesting

12:15-17:40 GTM must-haves for first-time founders

17:41-24:11 Winning customers as a newcomer and beating incumbents

24:12-27:06 Building credibility while approaching customers

27:07-34:56 Evaluating metrics to decide on outbound methods, and building high-intent prospect lists

34:57-37:00 Benchmarks for good conversion rates in outbound

37:01-43:21 Best practices to sustain velocity and throughput in the sales funnel

43:22-48:07 How to structure your first GTM team

48:08-49:52 How to approach churn in the early stages of an SMB

49:53 Thoughts on freemium offerings in a GTM motion

About SaaS Talks: SaaS Talks is a series of discussion sessions organized by Stellaris Venture Partners. SaaS Talks is not a conventional webinar but an inclusive discussion sessions among experts, founders and practitioners to share practical, actionable learnings. No global gyaan.